Background Check Companies: What To Look For

Background Check companies offer you a lot of different options depending on how you would like to search for information. There are a few tips below that will help you hire a company that can help. You should not use the first company you find because you think they offer an easy and affordable service. You need to ask a few serious questions when it is time to hire these companies.

What Are They Really Checking For?

Some background check companies will only search for federal records. The problem with that is that the company is checking for something that most people do not have on their record. Other companies only have agreements with certain states to search for records. This means that someone could have a criminal record in a state that was not checked. Plus, the background check company should give you a full report.

When the company only checks for certain crimes and misdemeanors, you will not learn everything you need to know about the person you have checked.

Are They Checking Credit?

Checking someone’s credit could be a very good idea if you want to rent them an apartment, sell them a car, or give them a job in the financial field. Because of this, you need to get their credit report as part of their background check. If you have chosen to invest in a background check, you need to be sure that you get a credit report from several credit bureaus. Also, you need to remember that credit checks need to be current.

Some companies will give you old credit reports that are not accurate. You do not want to fight with an applicant over an incorrect report that you were given.

Does The Company Move Quickly?

You need to get the background check back as fast as possible. You are waiting to get this information to make sure that you can make wise decisions. If the background check company moves too slow, you will lose money and time. Plus, applicants might move on to other jobs, apartments, or cars. You do not want to waste your time waiting for a low background check company, and you should not spend money on a report that causes you problems.

Does The Company Have Good Reviews?

The company should have good reviews that are written by satisfied customers. You could use these reviews to ensure that the company does a good job, and you need to avoid companies that have bad reviews. Plus, you want to know for a fact that the company you have chosen can give you good customer service. Companies that are hard to reach will waste your time and money.


You owe it to yourself to make sure that you are getting good background checks for your applicants. Some people are getting incomplete reports that only check one credit bureau or a couple of states for criminal records. You need a full report that tells you everything you could ever want to know.