Non Collectible Status… What’s that Mean?

If you’re currently under IRS currently non collectible status what does that mean? Can the IRS garnish your wages? Can they place levies on your home or property? Or, does the IRS currently non collectible status mean you are safe from ever having to repay the back taxes you owe to the IRS? There are many questions you are probably asking yourself if you have this type of status in place, or if you are wondering what will happen in the event you do not pay or file your taxes in a timely fashion. If you are not sure what to do or what your tax status means, you aren’t alone.

Work with an attorney

When you receive a notice that your non collectible, it means the IRS can’t levy garnishments or enforcement against you. It basically means you don’t owe on the uncollected taxes at the moment. This, however, doesn’t mean your tax status will always remain this way, nor does it mean your taxes won’t ever become collectible. Most people aren’t aware of this or what non collectible means. An attorney will guide you. If the IRS tries to collect or contact you, your attorney will inform you of your rights, and what you do (and don’t) have to do, say, or answer. You’ll have your financial assets protected, and you won’t have to make payments that technically aren’t due, when you have your attorney work with the IRS and other tax agencies on your behalf.

Understanding your rights

Regardless of how much you owe or how far behind you are on tax payments, a tax attorney can work with you and assist you in dealing with taxing agencies. They’ll inform you of your rights, what you have to pay, when to pay, and how to set up the right payment plan, without paying too much on interest rates. There are many questions you have as it pertains to tax payments, and your IRS currently non collectible status as a taxpayer. If you’re not sure what to do or what your rights are, your attorney will work with you in understanding those rights and guiding you. 

Before you pay the IRS or let them start taxing funds out of your paycheck, talk to an attorney. In most cases, you have rights you aren’t aware of, and your attorney will deal with the IRS for you, which will give you the peace of mind in knowing what the agency can and can’t do, if you are behind or haven’t paid on certain tax bills you owe.